WordPress Support
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You can Fix WordPress!
We regularly publish WordPress tips, trick, code snippets and fixes in our blog using which you can easily fix the most common WordPress errors. Here are the latest ones,
How To Close Divi Slide-in Menu When a Menu Item in it is Clicked
Learn how you can automatically close the Divi slide-in menu when a menu item in it is clicked.
Fix a Divi Section, Row or Module That Appears to be Disabled or Faded
Do you see a Divi or Extra section, row or module to be disabled or faded? Learn how to enable it again.
Fix uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize in php.ini in WordPress
So you tried to upload a plugin or theme to your WordPress dashboard and you get an error that says, The uploaded file exceeds the upload_max_filesize directive in php.ini This error simply means that you are uploading a file with size that is more then the maximum...